Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Soccer Field Complete

After several consecutive days of working hard to level the field, our main service project for this trip, we finally were able to celebrate our work on the soccer field. Located across the valley at the Orkeeswa Primary School, the soccer field had been rendered impossible for the students to play on, with trenches and cracks created by erosion. With the help of the hardworking Orkeeswa students, we were able to fix up the field for the primary school students. As it was also the first day of school for the primary students, it was especially nice to see the students who would be able to put the soccer field to good use.

After returning to the lodge after a hard day of work and a fun afternoon of activities, Peter Luis paid us a visit to tell his story of founding Orkeeswa Secondary School. He told us about his family and what he was like in high school. He spoke about his years at Fresno State in California, and about his desire to travel after graduating from college. He led us through his travels in Brazil and El Salvador, and then through his early interactions with Robert, who is now Orkeeswa’s headmaster, in Tanzania where they both taught English in a primary school about two hours from Orkeeswa. Peter explained how he got the school up and running, beginning with only $15,000 in the bank. He expressed his future goals for the school, and his desire to open similar schools in other villages, so more students can have the opportunity to go on to secondary school, in a country where only approximately 10% of the population attend school past primary school. His story was needless to say fascinating and inspiring to hear about how now only about how dedicated and passionate Peter was about the school, but also about how dedicated and passionate all the students at the school are.

After a long but fantastic day spent in Tanzania, I think I can safely say that we were all exhausted and quickly fell asleep. We’re all looking forward to spending the final few days here, and can’t wait to go home and see everyone!



At July 9, 2014 at 4:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job, Grotonians & Orkeeswans! The soccer field looks fantastic and how lucky you are that you were there to see your hard work put to use! To all: Enjoy your last day of school, your final days in Africa and know that we can't wait to have you all back home again and hear of your experience first-hand. To Soph-a-loph: Big hugs and a huge smoocharoonie! xox, mom & dad & Henry


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